salesQBs help companies with 2-15 salespeople improve their sales by:
1 ) Placing one of our top-notch sales management pros as your Fractional Sales Manager™
This removes the burden of sales management from the owner and puts a talented manager in a position where superior skill matters. Each week, the salesQB will work with you and your team to improve lead generation, better structure the sales process, leverage sales technologies, create a pipeline model and accountability, and individually coach reps.
Best of all, you can access a superstar sales manager for about 1/3 the cost of the below-average sales manager you can afford. The salesQB program streamlines sales management to the vital tasks which allows the salesQB to spend only 1/2 day each week with each client.
2) Following our Roadmap to Guaranteed Growth™. This six-step process includes:
- Step 1: Auditing your sales best practice™
- Step 2: Increasing lead generation quantity and efficiency
- Step 3: Creating a “proven & repeatable sales process” for the company
- Step 4: Leveraging technology to reduce sales costs and effectiveness
- Step 5: Improving sales management by installing models, systems and management
- Step 6: Improving individual salesperson performance through coaching, mentoring, and training
3) Freeing the owner from sales management tasks and allowing them to focus on more important activities
4) Getting your sales function running smoothing and efficiently