Even though small businesses aspire to grow, many remain modest in size despite these ambitions. While numerous factors contribute to a company’s size, one key reason small businesses often stay small is their lower rate of initiative adoption compared to larger...
“Narrow scoping” defines a problem by restating the problem as a potential solution to that problem. For instance, “we need more sales” may be the stated problem when the actual problem is “we need more profit.” More sales is one of...
Quite often, small companies don’t have the resources to hire the caliber of sales manager they really need, so instead they either designate one of their senior salespeople to manage the team and continue selling, or they promote that person to become the full-time...
Your first and most important priority in the sales cycle, after marketing does its thing, is to connect reps to buyers. It’s not to rack up an impressive list of random activities, nor is it to enroll people into generic email nurture. The problem is that the default...
The last year has been a challenging experience for every industry and profession worldwide – but especially to the sales profession. Let’s take a moment to look back on what we were asked to do. Last March we were asked to keep calling, keep communicating and...
Think about it. While standing at the grocery check out, you see the shelves of candy and snacks (positioned there specifically for this purpose). Right at eye level is the bright orange Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, and the sight makes your mouth water. Without...
I love a good bargain as much as the next person, but I learned a valuable lesson about phantom costs. That is, those costs that don’t show up on your income statement but drain profits. Everyone has heard the saying “good things are cheap, and she things are good,” however, we tend to forget it... Read more →
A few years back, I was hired by a manufacturing company who was doing 7-8 million dollars in sales per years. They had been in business about 20 years and had experienced a few growth spurts, but were now in a stagnant position the past few years They were struggling to hit the next level. ... Read more →