The conventional sales wisdom says that increasing sales is best accomplished by improving the quality of the sales team. For the Fortune 500, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in training, recruiting and paying top-tier talent is a viable strategy.
It’s not lack of big ideas that’s holding you back
Most business owners would admit that their sales department could be producing more. Human psychology leads us to believe that the reason for this gap is that we are missing...
This business problem is not worth fixing (hint, it’s not sales)
I don’t want to count how many business owners I’ve heard say something like, “I need to invest more time with the sales team; it could really make a difference.” Every business...
How Motivation Theory can help you decide which problems to fix
Classic motivation theory states that there are three aspects of motivation. First, you must desire the outcome or reward. Second, you must feel you have the ability to achieve...
When I don’t know what to do, I do nothing…and it’s killing my business
No one would ever admit to this, but it’s human nature not to venture out into the unknown without reason. We are still wired to avoid the sabertoothed tiger that may be lurking....
I could have fixed this years ago, but I figured it would go away
Never in the history of business has someone said, “Gosh, I fired them too soon.” Thousands of business owners have said, “Gosh, I should’ve fired them two years ago.” I don’t...
Are black and white thinkers bad at sales?
Sales is the least predictable area of business. Sometimes it feels like you are throwing stuff at the wall, knowing that some of it will work, but never knowing which part. If...
The scourge of small business
Every small business has the same problem, diseconomies of scale. What does that mean? You never need an integer of anything. You need 1.5 machines for the factory, 3.4 delivery...
Why do so many SMBs have under-performing sales teams?
Sales is a complex beast. There are so many aspects to it, and it’s unpredictable. However, that’s not the reason many SMBs have sales teams with something to be desired. It’s...
Why sales is the hardest area to systematize
Most small businesses do not have much of a formalized sales system, or any for that matter. They have great systems in their operations but are generally devoid of a sales...
Have you ever wanted to strangle the sales team?
If you answered no, you are one of the lucky few. Salespeople can be frustrating. The entire sales function is frustrating because it feels hard to control. When we are out of...
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