I love a good bargain as much as the next person, but I learned a valuable lesson about phantom costs. That is, those costs that don’t show up on your income statement but drain profits. Everyone has heard the saying “good things are cheap, and she things...
A few years back, I was hired by a manufacturing company who was doing 7-8 million dollars in sales per years. They had been in business about 20 years and had experienced a few growth spurts, but were now in a stagnant position the past few years They were...
Even though small businesses aspire to grow, many remain modest in size despite these ambitions. While numerous factors contribute to a company’s size, one key reason small businesses often stay small is their lower rate of initiative adoption compared to larger...
Oh, your CEO wanted you to call, that is certainly a reason for me to call back, right? Listen to the latest installment of our “Bad Voicemails” series.
I love a good bargain as much as the next person, but I learned a valuable lesson about phantom costs. That is, those costs that don’t show up on your income statement but drain profits. Everyone has heard the saying “good things are cheap, and she things are good,” however, we tend to forget it... Read more →
A few years back, I was hired by a manufacturing company who was doing 7-8 million dollars in sales per years. They had been in business about 20 years and had experienced a few growth spurts, but were now in a stagnant position the past few years They were struggling to hit the next level. ... Read more →